Squeeze that big and red pimple or rub it accidentally, and a skin boil is what might just appear and make things worse. Or, if you have a wound or even a tiny cut or nick and it gets too much rubbing or friction from that tight shirt of yours, a skin boil might also be on its way. And when that skin boil finally rears its ugly head, your skin might just be begging for relief. If you want natural pain remedies, fret not!
Caused generally by the staphylococcal bacteria that rest on an oil gland or hair follicle, a skin boil usually appears on the face, neck, armpits, shoulders, and even buttocks. But even though your skin can look ugly with this, a skin boil naturally erupts or is drained and absorbed by the body in time. But taking action to give your skin relief and speed up the healing process is a good idea too. Below are some tips:
Tea tree oil. Yes, this essential oil is not only good for preventing or fighting pimples but for that sudden skin boil as well. Actually, tea tree oil is generally effective for almost any kind of skin irritation. So it might be good to keep a bottle in handy. For your skin boil, simply apply a drop of this oil after you take a shower. You should start feeling relief immediately. Keep doing this until the boil is gone.
- Ginger and turmeric. Mix half a teaspoon of ginger powder and half a teaspoon of turmeric with enough warm water to make a paste. Rub the paste gently on the skin boil, cover with a gauze and just leave it for 30 minutes. Repeat this as needed until you feel relief and the boil starts healing. Be careful while applying this paste, though, as turmeric stains clothes.
- Fresh vegetable juice. If you have a juicer, it will come in handy for this method for relief and cure, especially to speed up the healing. Certain vegetables can help detoxify your system and consequently get rid of your skin boil. Drink a mix of eight ounces of carrot juice, four ounces of celery juice, one ounce of beet juice and half an ounce to one ounce of parsley juice. Drink a large glass in the morning and a smaller glass during the afternoon until your boil heals. Take your juice separate from your meals.
So there you have it – easy tips for natural pain remedies from your skin boil. While your boil heals, though, remember to be gentle with it, protecting it from any further friction.
Alma Jones wrote this article on natural pain remedies for skin boils. She is an advocate of holistic approaches to cure and prevention, relying on hard facts for the articles that she writes. A graduate of medicine, she has seen the value of Western Medicine research and Eastern Medicine treatment. |
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