Green Coffee Causes Weight Loss

April 5, 2012

A recent study has shown interesting findings about how a specific type of coffee can cause weight loss. Green coffee causes weight loss at an average of about 17 pounds in 5 months. But what is green coffee, and why does it cause weight loss?

What is green coffee?

I bet that after finding out what coffee causes weight loss, you now want to know what green coffee is Green Coffeeand where you can get it. If I’m right, then you should read on to satisfy your curiosity. This is, after all, about weight loss – and everyone is interested!

Green coffee beans are, simply put, coffee beans that have not been roasted. Roasting renders the coffee beans a dark brown, the color of a cup of coffee that does not have cream or milk in it.


Does green coffee always cause weight loss?

The study involved 16 participants and it went on for about 22 weeks. Although the findings were statistically significant, more participants would have made for a stronger study.

In other words, it looks like green coffee beans can cause weight loss, but more studies – with more participants – are needed to establish that fact once and for all.

The study was also funded by a company selling green coffee bean extract. This kind of information is always important as it can show if bias exists. Perhaps it doesn’t, but it counts that you know who spent for the study, right? Read on to find out if the substance in green coffee that causes weight loss. And no, it isn’t caffeine.

Is it the caffeine in green coffee that causes weight loss?

Dr. Joe Vinson, a chemistry professor from the University of Scranton, believed that caffeine was not the cause of weight loss in the participants who drank green coffee.

Green coffee beans cause weight loss because they contain chlorogenic acids. Chlorogenic acids (CGA) were given to participants in the study.

Chlorogenic acid was thought to suppress the absorption of sugar from the diet. Aside from keeping you from taking in too many calories from sugar, it also helped regulate sugar metabolism inside your body. It may then keep your sugar levels from spiking up, a phenomenon linked to dessert cravings.

Green coffee beans, once roasted, will lose their chlorogenic acid content. But the study did not compare the effect of roasted coffee beans with that of green coffee beans. There should be a study comparing their effects, yes?

Where are green coffee beans available as a weight loss supplement?

According to WebMD, Applied Food Sciences is the company that makes green coffee supplements. Green coffee extract is being marketed not only for its potential for weight loss regimens, but also for its antioxidant properties.

If you want to find out how much green coffee you need to drink to lose weight, read this article on green coffee beans and weight loss.

Kathleen Doheny, “
Green Coffee Beans May Aid Weight Loss”, WebMD Health News
Vinson, J. Burnham, B., and Nagendran, M., “
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, linear dose, crossover study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a green coffee bean extract in overweight subjects”, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and Obesity

Stef dela Cruz wrote this article on how green coffee causes weight loss. She is a physician, writer, and blogger. She contributes health articles to print magazines, including Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, and Big C (a cancer magazine). Visit Stef dela Cruz on her blog for more health updates and anecdotes on blogging. And here’s how to contribute health articles on natural pain remedies to this blog.


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