They can be hidden in your mouth and you might not notice them. Not unless you bite into a tomato or orange or any acidic food, and that’s when the pain begins. And you can unwittingly brush them while brushing your teeth, which is definitely not a pleasant experience. But take heart – you can easily get natural relief from canker sores.
There are many methods that can give you natural relief from canker sores. Take your pick as you read on in this list:
Herbal tea. Calendula or goldenseal are excellent herbs for natural relief. Get either of these two herbs from health food stores. The dried variety is good. Get two teaspoons of it and steep in a cup of boiling water. But instead of drinking the tea, gargle with it as a mouthwash. Do this three to four times a day until your canker sores disappear.
- Yogurt. Not only is yogurt good for your health in general, it gives effective natural relief from canker sores as well. The live bacteria culture in yogurt will kill off the bacteria in your canker sores. And yogurt is not only a cure; it is also a preventive measure. So all the more reason for you to eat this treat more often! If you currently have canker sores, though, eight ounces of yogurt a day should do the trick.
- Vegetable juice. If you’re getting canker sores frequently, a lack of iron or folate may be the problem. So to get a healthy, natural relief is a fresh vegetable juice rich in these nutrients. A power recipe recommended by nutritionist Cherie Calbom is two kale leaves, a handful of spinach, a handful of parsley and four or five carrots.
- Improved eating habits. This is more for long-term natural relief from canker sores. The key here is to cut down on animal products as these produce more acid in the body, which contributes to canker sores. Processed and refined foods, coffee, sweets and citrus fruits are also culprits, as well as chewing gum and lozenges. Add more garlic and onions to your diet. Also, eat more foods rich in iron and folate for good measure like spinach and cabbage.
- Proper brushing habits. This is more for prevention than cure for canker sores. But it is definitely a long-term solution for natural relief. Poor dental hygiene can be a cause for canker sores. And using toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate can also be a cause. So take note before your next brushing. With most the above methods, you will not only get natural relief from canker sores, you will be healthier too!
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