You feel you are on fire – and it is definitely not the good kind. It is burning hot and uncomfortable in your chest and esophagus. And you reach for the trusty firefighter you know – heartburn medicine. Why not opt for a firefighter that will give you natural relief?
The fire in heartburn can definitely be put out the natural way, with no side effects. Below are some tips for natural relief:
- Ginger. Ginger in general is an anti-inflammatory agent and it is also an excellent choice for natural relief from heartburn. A cup of ginger tea can actually give fast relief. Just shred fresh ginger and put a teaspoonful of it on a cup of boiling water. After ten minutes, you can strain it and let it cool before drinking.
- Herbal tea. Another effective tea for heartburn is a combination of fennel seeds, anise seeds and dill seeds. Again, put these on a cup of boiling water. Put two teaspoons of each. After straining and letting the drink cool, take teaspoons of this tea every few minutes to give you that natural relief.
Activated charcoal. This can give quick natural relief from heartburn. Mix two tablespoons of this in powder form with a small amount of water in a tall glass. Add more water a little portion at a time. When the glass is full, drink it all with a straw. You can look for activated charcoal in pharmacies and health food stores.
- Improved eating habits. This is a long-term and perhaps permanent solution to heartburn. Too much protein-rich food at the dinner table does not sit well with the stomach and produces that gastric acid responsible for heartburn. Then, the next morning, you will feel that burning sensation. So to get long-term natural relief from heartburn, eat carbohydrate-rich foods instead of protein-rich foods at dinner. Pastas, beans and rice are excellent choices. Don’t overdo it, though. Those carbohydrates can just very well turn into fat when the calories are not burned.
Heartburn can also be caused by eating too fast. So to avoid it, eat more slowly, breathing deeply between bites. That should give you natural relief in the long run.
Getting rid of that heartburn should be a breeze with these tips. Follow any of these and you are on your way to natural pain relief.
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