Zilongjin in Cancer Treatment

February 23, 2012

Zilongjin for cancer treatment has been used in China for many years before Western medicine took notice. After anecdotal success in the use of Zilongjin to treat cancer, different studies were conducted to prove whether or not this Chinese concoction is indeed a viable alternative medicine for cancer management.

How does Zilongjin work?

ZilongjinZilongjin was thought to affect different receptors found in the cell membrane. The cell membrane is actually the outer covering of the cell and it contains receptors that control how certain substances enter and exit the cell. Zilongjin influences these receptors (Wang Dai-Shu, 2004).

One specific action of Zilongjin on cancer treatment is how it promotes the action of adenylyl cyclase. This enzyme, located in the cell membrane, acts to increase the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate or cAMP. The substance cAMP, in turn, allows many other enzymes to influence cell function. Ultimately, cAMP increase results in decreased cell replication, decreasing the production of cancer cells (Wang Dai-Shu, 2004).

How does Zilongjin affect the cell cycle?

Zilongjin disrupts the cell cycle by preventing CDK4, a substance that promotes cell reproduction, from entering the nucleus. As a result, cell cycle does not ensue – and cell reproduction is stopped or delayed. Zilongjin also inhibits the synthesis phase of the cell cycle, again putting a stop to cell replication (Wang Dai-Shu, 2004).

How does Zilongjin affect the genes?

Zilongjin acts on oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Oncogenes are actually normal genes, but once they mutate, they may lead to cancer. Tumor suppressor genes, on the other hand, help inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Zilongjin suppresses the activity of certain oncogenes while promoting the activity of tumor suppressor genes (Wang Dai-Shu, 2004).

What happens to cells when exposed to Zilongjin?

Cells are known to exhibit less cancer-like activities. For instance, the production of microvilli (finger-like projections) on a cell’s surface, which is known to be associated with cancer, is decreased (Wang Dai-Shu, 2004). Zilongjin does this by strengthening the microfilaments inside the cell, keeping the cell membrane from outpouching into microvilli.

Another interesting finding is that Zilongjin also controls pre-existing cancer cells. It stops cancer cells from producing really large tumors.

What research has been done to support the role of Zilongjin in cancer treatment?

One study by Zhang Xingi, et al (1995) determined how effective Zilongjin was when used in conjunction with chemotherapy. There were 63 patients, grouped into two: one group received chemotherapy alone, while the other received chemotherapy plus Zilongjin. The function scores of those who received both chemotherapy and Zilongjin were better after treatment than those who received chemotherapy only. More patients from the Zilongjin group were also able to complete their chemotherapy.

Another significant finding was that Zilongjin seemed to lower the side effects of chemotherapy. It was also found that T cell assays, which showed one’s immune function, was higher in the Zilongjin group.

Of course, more research is needed to establish the role of Zilongjin in cancer treatment. But according to the above study, Zilongjin as part of cancer management is a very promising option.

Wang Dai-Shu, Latest Theories on the Genesis and Development of Cancer and Studies on Zilongjin, 2004
Zhang Xinqi et al, Zilongjin in combination with chemotherapy in the Treatment of Moderate and Advanced Cancers, 1995


Eric Soriano said...

Do you know how and where we could possibly purchase this product from the US?

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