Heat therapy: Dos and Don’ts

August 30, 2011


warm compress Heat therapy is a popular method of natural pain relief all over the world. Time and time again, it has proven its usefulness as a means to provide pain relief without subjecting the body to harmful side effects of drugs and surgery.

However, heat therapy also comes with its own risks. Although useful in many situations, not all conditions will benefit from heat. In fact, there are conditions that will worsen after heat is applied.

When is heat therapy indicated?

Heat therapy has existed more thousands of years, helping relieve different body aches and problems. Here are just a few examples of conditions that can benefit from heat therapy:

  • Muscle spasms that cause pain or discomfort
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea)
  • Superficial blood vessel clotting (thrombophlebitis)

When should heat therapy NOT be used?

Although heat therapy is generally safe, there are a few conditions that may worsen after certain types of heat application. A few of these conditions are listed below:

  • Hot compresses that use wet towels are not allowed for use in surgical wounds. It is important for surgical wounds and incisions to remain dry at all times to prevent infection.
  • Hydrotherapy using warm should be used with caution in patients with ostomies. An ostomy is a surgically produced opening on the body, such as a tracheostomy and a colostomy.
  • Patients with sensory problems should use heat packs and other forms of heat therapy carefully. If you are applying heat therapy on a numb area, test the temperature at regular intervals. When you apply heat therapy on an area of the body that has sensory deficits, you cannot tell if a hot pack is too hot or if your skin is starting to burn.
  • Right after an injury, heat therapy is not the desired physical modality. Heat may further increase swelling during the first twenty-four hours; cold therapy is better for such injuries.

What harmful effects should you watch out for when using heat therapy?

Heat therapy, when prepared and administered correctly for pain relief, usually poses no problems. However, improper use of heat therapy may lead to the following adverse effects:

  • Burns
  • Erythema ab igne
  • Blisters
  • Increased swelling
  • Unwarranted masking of pain. If you are experiencing pain because of a serious condition, using heat therapy may delay diagnosis and treatment. If you feel that your pain is caused by a serious underlying condition, consult your doctor.

Did you know that heat therapy helps decrease certain types of inflammation? Read more on hot compresses and inflammation!

Has heat therapy helped you overcome pain? Share your experience and help uplift someone else’s suffering; tell your story through the comment form below!

Heat therapy: Benefits Other Than Pain Relief

August 21, 2011


More and more people are resorting to heat therapy for pain relief. Heat therapy carries many benefits and has minimal side effects, making it safe for you and your family.

Although pain relief by itself is enough reason for you to use heat therapy, there are many other advantages that you can get from it. Unfortunately, very few people know how heat can help promote health.

What are the benefits of heat therapy?

Heat therapy is a potent physical remedy. It acts to relieve pain and promote health by exerting the following effects:

  • warm compressHeat therapy improves circulation in the involved area. Blood vessels dilate when subjected to heat, in turn promoting blood flow.
  • It promotes your capacity to get rid of toxins the natural way. Because blood flow is increased, toxins are pulled out of injured tissues more effectively.
  • Heat increases oxygen delivery to tissues. When you apply a hot compress on a swollen part of your body, you are helping increase the oxygen supply to that area. Increase in oxygen means better tissue repair. This also gets rid of carbon dioxide, lowering the acid level in tissues.
  • A hot pack helps promote the natural healing process of your body. Better healing means less toxins that may cause pain and swelling.

How does heat therapy help decrease pain?

There are many ways that heat therapy can help you if you need considerable pain relief. A few of these mechanisms are listed below:

  • Heat therapy helps increase the caliber of blood vessels in your muscles. This greatly increases tissue ventilation, lowering lactic acid and other substances that can cause muscle aches.
  • The hot temperature stimulates the same nerve endings that pain stimuli also stimulate. If you use heat therapy on a painful area, the pain signals are muted to help transmit the temperature signals to your brain.
  • Heat relieves stiff joints by increasing lubrication. The synovial fluid in your joints, which acts as a lubricant, is partly dependent on the amount of blood that reaches your joints. When you use heat therapy on a stiff joint, blood flow is increased, promoting synovial fluid production.

How is heat transmitted to affected areas of the body?

Heat is produced and transmitted to the body through different mechanisms. Most heat therapy modalities transfer heat to painful areas of your body via the following means:

  • Conduction (transfer of heat from a solid medium to your body)
  • Radiation (heat produced from a distant source)
  • Convection (heat transfer from liquid)
  • A combination of the above

In what conditions is heat therapy contraindicated? Find out by reading heat therapy dos and don’ts.

Do you disagree with the above information? Let your voice be heard; share your comments below!

Tai Chi: Effective Osteoarthritis Remedy According to Research

August 10, 2011


Osteoarthritis is a common joint disorder, more common in the elderly. Even younger people who overuse or misuse their joints are prone to having it. If you get knee pain, joint mobility problems, and clicking sounds in your joints, you just might be one of the millions of people who suffer from pain due tai chito osteoarthritis. Luckily, research shows that Tai Chi provides natural pain relief for people with osteoarthritis.

People suffering from osteoarthritis are more prone to the side effects of drugs because of their age. They also have higher risks when subjected to surgery, further compounding the problem. Thankfully, unlike other pain remedies that claim to provide safe natural pain relief, Tai Chi was actually proven to safely and effectively alleviate osteoarthritis pain.


Tai Chi Fights Osteoarthritis Pain

Currently, research shows that Tai Chi also effectively relieves pain:

  • Regular Tai Chi exercise lessens osteoarthritis pain significantly. According to a study from Tufts University School of Medicine, people over 65 years old suffering from osteoarthritis who engaged in regular Tai Chi.
  • Half of adults aged 80 and above will suffer from knee pain, according to a report from the Center of Disease Control. Because of the frequency of osteoarthritis in the elderly, Tai Chi is an important pain remedy because, unlike drugs and surgery, it provides pain relief without putting someone’s health at risk.
  • Tai Chi, aside from relieving pain, also promotes mental and physical health. Learning Tai Chi will help you relax and become better coordinated. It also improves your equilibrium, reducing the risk for falls and fractures.

Proper Tai Chi

  • Sixty minutes of Tai Chi done in Yang style reduces joint pain. According to a study done by Wang and colleagues, one hour of Tai Chi done two times a week for three months effectively provides natural pain relief.
  • One session of Tai Chi should include self-massage, movement, breathing, and relaxation. To become an effective means of providing natural pain relief, each Tai Chi session should include 10 minutes of self massage including a short review of the principles of Tai Chi, half an hour of Tai Chi movement, ten minutes involving breathing techniques, concluded by ten minutes worth of relaxation.

